PGP: Rost Therapy™ approach certification- in person
Participants in this Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) - Rost Therapy™ Certification live practical course will: If you have already completed our PGP: Rost Therapy™ approach online course, you can register for the last day of this practical course to certify. Please contact the course organizer for more details. After course completion you will become a certified Rost Therapist™ with a 5-year listing at our Find a therapist database, where patients worldwide will be able to find you.
Contact hours
12 hrsPlanning
Day 1: 08:30 AM - 04:30 PMDay 2: 08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Target audience
This practical course is designed for all physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths who treat sacro-iliac and pubic pain and dysfunction during pregnancy and beyond. This is also a course for all (specialized) physiotherapists working with orthopaedic and persistent pain caseloads.
Learning objectives
- To be current regarding the latest PGP guidelines and publications
- To understand the complex changes in the pelvis during and after pregnancy
- To learn evidence based assessment for PGP
- To recognize abnormal motor patterns and make a correct diagnosis
- To effectively treat pregnant and postpartum clients with PGP, using the Rost Therapy™ approach
- To give preventive advice and effective exercises
- Prevent the recurrence of PGP
- To assess when a multidisciplinary approach is required and which disciplines to involve
It is often difficult to know where to start when working with someone with very acute back/pubic pain, especially in pregnancy. Many women are told by their health professionals, including physiotherapists, that back pain is a normal part of pregnancy, or that there is nothing much that can be done because they are pregnant.
Not only that, but they are told that their pelvis is “unstable”, that they should “be careful”, and that they should “limit their activity and avoid painful movements”, all of which perpetuate fear and pain. This course will give participants the confidence to treat these patients. The techniques are easy to integrate into clinical practice and participants will be able to start practicing this approach immediately.
Study hours and certificate
- This practical live course lasts now an average of 14 hours, or 18 if combined with other practical modules. Check the course agenda for more information.
- After completion you will obtain the Rost Therapy certification, and you will be registered on our database for 5 years as an official Rost Therapist™.
Group size
8 – 40 participants
- Susannah Britnell (CA, UK, EU)
- Cecile Röst MSc (CA & EU)
- Ana van Dijk (EU)
- Sofía Quintana (EU)
Depending on group size and location more or less teachers and/or assistants will coach the group.
More information? Send an e-mail to Susannah Britnell for Canada courses ( or directly to RTh ( for EU courses.
Canadian locations
Please check registration links for more information
European locations
Online course: € 345,-
Practical course registration: € 655,-
Total costs: € 1000,-