Canadian guideline: All women without contraindication should be physically active throughout pregnancy
Interested in the benefits, indications and contraindications for physical activity throughout pregnancy? Please read the summary of findings from the Canadian guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy and follow the link.
Canadian guidelines: strong recommendations are summarized below.
All women without contraindication should be physically active throughout pregnancy. Moderate-quality evidence.
Women who were previously inactive. Moderate-quality evidence.
Women categorised as overweight or obese (prepregnancy body mass index ≥25 kg/m2). Low-quality evidence.
Pregnant women should accumulate at least 150 min of moderate-intensityiii physical activity each week to achieve clinically meaningful health benefits and reductions in pregnancy complications. Strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence.
Physical activity should be accumulated over a minimum of 3 days per week; however, being active every day is encouraged. Moderate-quality evidence.
Pregnant women should incorporate a variety of aerobic and resistance training activities to achieve greater benefits. Adding yoga and/or gentle stretching may also be beneficial. High-quality evidence.