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Pelvic girdle pain usually improves postpartum

The good news is that even without treatment, most women with pelvic girdle pain (PGP) recover within a few weeks or months after delivery. However, Rost Therapy™ treatment can help improve PGP symptoms quickly, even during pregnancy, and allow women to regain function and have an active life.

With a conventional treatment approach, 35% of women with PGP were symptom free within a month after birth (Ostgaard et al. 1991). With conventional treatment, 7-18% of women still had serious complaints 18 months after delivery. However, in Cecile Röst’s study, less than 2% of the women treated with Rost Therapy™ during pregnancy had serious complaints 18 months after delivery, of whom five were at the end stage of a subsequent pregnancy or had recently delivered another baby.


PGP sometimes persists

For a small number of women, PGP persists (7 to 18%) and without effective treatment, symptoms can become chronic and can impact function and quality of life for many years. If a woman experiences chronic back, hip or pubic pain that started around the time of a pregnancy or delivery, she should be screened for PGP by a skilled physiotherapist. Sometimes an approach using many different disciplines (multidisciplinary approach), in addition to physiotherapy, is best, especially if symptoms have been present for a long time. Chronic or persistent pain affects all facets of life; working with a clinical counsellor or psychologist who has experience helping women with chronic pain can be invaluable.


There is always hope for improvement

It is important to break the cycle of chronicity. Rost Therapy™ treatment can help, even if PGP symptoms have been present for years. Finding a Rost Therapy Therapist is the first step to regaining control over a life that has been changed by PGP.

Rost Therapy method