Cecile (1961) lives and works in Leiden, the Netherlands. Her companies are Centrum BTR, Rost Therapy and MoVeS Manual and Physiotherapy are located in a beautiful Dutch Style town house, built in 1905, which was originally the home of Cecile’s parents and their seven children.
When Cecile was 10 months old, she got a severe streptococ infection and luckily survived it. However, the infection slightly affected her vision and gross motorskills: these functional difficulties have always played a role in her personal life and professional work. In the medieval town of Leiden Cecile grew up as a happy inquisitive child and finished Grammar School, then started Biology at the University of Amsterdam but changed her mind when she suddenly got hospitalized. From this moment on she knew her life would be devoted to help other people. Four years later she graduated as a physiotherapist in Amsterdam.
Cecile started her career as a volunteer PT in Pakistan, then continued to work as a general PT in Germany and proceeded as a pediatric PT and (pediatric) manual therapist in the Netherlands. She has had three years of training in pediatric physiotherapy, sensory integration therapy; she also took four years of study in orthopedic medicine and five years in orthopedic manual therapy, followed by courses in chronic pain management, fascial therapy and dry needling.
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Cecile Röst experienced PGP during and after all three of her pregnancies. In her third pregnancy, using her own instincts rather than traditional treatment, Cecile devised exercises and postures which helped improve her own pelvic girdle pain and quickly reduced physical dysfunction. Since then, her work acquired a different direction.
Soon after childbirth, Cecile treated other pregnant and postpartum women with PGP using her own formula of exercises and therapy. She became inundated with requests for treatment from hundreds of women, both from home and abroad. Cecile then worked on research to determine the effectiveness of her approach, and to discover how and why this approach worked. International publications, lectures, and many courses followed. The book “Relieving Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy: How Women Can Heal Chronic Pelvic Instability” was published shortly after in Dutch and English.
Cecile completed her Clinical Epidemiology MSc from the University of Amsterdam in February 2017. In 2018 Cecile started teaching dry needling and manual techniques as a complementary treatment for PGP. She will continue her career as an advisor in scientific research into treatments and prevention programmes for pelvic pain.
Cecile Röst’s drive
Being a patient who was in need of medical and physical therapy herself on many occasions, and having been involved for decades in informal care for close relatives, have both impacted on Cecile’s life and way of thinking about healthcare and caregivers. Her main drive to do research, help patients and teach therapists comes from a deep wish to improve empathy and understanding other people, whether they are patients, co-workers, clinicians, therapists or whatever profession or lifestyle they have.
Open minded and respectful of diversity, cooperative with other therapists and clinicians, accepting life’s difficulties. Cecile’s main focus is to prevent chronic pain syndromes. Her approach is practical, focused in figuring out the underlying problem of an individual patient in a present specific situation.